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Azerbaijan is UTC+4 hours


Office hours are officially 09:00 to 18:00 Mondays through Fridays. Banks operate from 09:00 to 18:00, while service hours are from 09:30 to 17:00. Shops generally open around 09:30 or 10:00 and close around 20:00. Shops are open seven days a week. Bars and restaurants are open until at least 23:00


The official language is Azerbaijani but many people also speak Russian, Turkish and/or English.


The country code of Azerbaijan is 994. The international exit code for calling out of Azerbaijan is 00 and must be dialed before the relevant country code. When calling from outside Azerbaijan, the country code then number minus the zero should be dialled. For example: +994-50-123-XXXX.


Smoking is not permitted in public areas across Azerbaijan, including most restaurants and bars. 


Standard electrical power in Azerbaijan is 220v. Electrical equipment and appliances use the standard European 220-240v two-pin plug.


There are a multitude of ATM machines located around Baku, most of which accept international debit and credit cards. Larger bank branches are open Mondays to Saturdays (shorter day), but are closed on Sundays. Smaller branches are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. International credit and debit cards are accepted in most restaurants and larger shops.


The national currency is the Azerbaijani Manat (AZN). One hundred Gepik (coins) equals one Manat, and Manat notes come in 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations.


VAT in Azerbaijan is similar to that in most European VAT systems, with tax levied on the supply of most
goods and services and on the import of goods. VAT payers are entitled to recover the amount of VAT paid on purchases (input VAT) that exceeds the VAT received from their taxable supplies (output VAT).


The climate of Azerbaijan is unique. as most of the climate zones can be discovered in Azerbaijan. Generally Azerbaijan is very warm in summers but it can snow in winters. Also, low temperatures can occur, in the mountains and valleys. Most of the rainfall is in the west.


Tipping is not expected across Azerbaijan but is commonplace in Baku. Occasionally a service charge is included on the bill, particularly in more established hotels and restaurants. Like any other place in the world, tipping for above-average service will be appreciated.


Police 102

Ambulance 103

Emergency Services 112

State Migration Service 919

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